M346, Applied Linear Algebra

  • Unique number: 58645
  • Meeting time and place: Tu-Th 9:30-11,  RLM 5.124.
  • Web page: http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/sadun/F04/346
  • Professor: Lorenzo Sadun, RLM 9.114, x1-7121
  • email: sadun@math.utexas.edu
  • Office hours: Tu-Th 2-3:30.  I generally keep an open door and welcome visitors at other times.  However, I will be out of the office a lot in September and October.  If you want to see me outside of office hours, please make an appointment.
  • Textbook: Applied Linear Algebra, by Lorenzo Sadun
  • Prerequisites: M311 or M340L or M341 or permission of instructor
  • Syllabus: Chapters 1 through 8, with occasional skipped sections
  • Homework: There will be weekly problem sets, due in class.  At the beginning of the term these will be due on Thursday, but we may switch to a Tuesday schedule later on.
  • Exams: There will be two in-class midterm exams, on September 21 and November 9, plus a final exam on December 11.  These exams will all be closed book. However, each student will be allowed to bring a single letter-sized ``crib sheet'' (2-sided) to each midterm, and 2 crib sheets to the final. These notes must be HANDWRITTEN ORIGINALS - NO XEROXING ALLOWED.
  • Grading: Each midterm counts 25%. The final exam counts 50%. The homework, taken together, counts 25%. At the end of the term I will drop your lowest 25%. The final grade distribution is neither a straight scale nor a fixed curve. It depends on how well the class does as a whole, but I hope to give mostly A's and B's.
  • Disabilities: The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4641 TTY
  • Homework # 1: (due Thursday, September 2) Chapter 1, page 8, exercises 1, 2, 5, 6, Section 2.1, Page 13 # 1, 5, 8, Section 2.2   Page 21 # 2, 7, 12
